Catalan Clothing Care 101: Tips for Linen Care

Catalan - The Linen Series


Catalan Clothing Care 101: Tips for Linen Care

Elegant, lightweight, breathable, and ultra-durable-- these are just a few adjectives that can describe linen fabric. With qualities like these, it’s no wonder that linen clothing is well-loved and highly coveted. You probably already have one or two (or three!) pieces in your own wardrobe, or are thinking about getting some for yourself. As such, it’s important to know how to properly
care for your linen pieces and ensure they maintain their impeccable quality.

With that, here are some tips in caring for your linen clothes.

1. Wash them in short cycles
Linen garments become softer and more absorbent after each wash. To ensure that they stay in tip-top shape, wash them in short, gentle washing machine cycles in soft, lukewarm water. Make sure you also use a mild detergent to keep the fibers intact.

2. Don’t wring!
While this is an effective way to get the water out of your clothes, wringing is an absolute no-no for linen garments. When you wring linen clothes, this twists the fibers and could lead to your garment losing its shape.\

3. Dry your linen clothes flat
Linen clothes need to be dried flat to maintain their shape. After washing your linen pieces, you may air-dry them on a padded hanger or place them flat on a rack. As mentioned, you should never, ever wring your linen clothes. If there is any excess moisture, carefully roll them in a towel, which will absorb the moisture from the clothes.

4. Use club soda for stains
Club soda works better than most stain removal agents on linen clothes. You may also try to use hairspray or rubbing alcohol, but these may have an effect on your linen piece’s coloring.

5. Iron them with moisture
The best practice for ironing linen clothes is to do so while they are still damp. If they have already dried up, spritz them with water using a spray bottle. Press on the linen clothes just enough to get the wrinkles out, then lay them out to dry.

Catalan launched its latest collection, The Linen Series. It showcases seasonless linen pieces in classic neutrals that are sure to be your next closet staple. The Linen Series is now available in RTW, made to measure or custom sizing. Check out the Linen Series here.

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